Go Flames...No!

April 18, 2019 | Outlaw Sports

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Groundhog Day

 How many times do we have to see the same damn movie? The Flames are up late in the third only to watch Colorado storm back to tie the game and win in overtime.

We saw it in game two. We saw it in game 4. This time it was even worse as the Flames had a two-nothing lead late in the third only to fold like a cheap bridge table.

Penalties have hurt the Flames all series long. Michael Backlund's late tripping penalty in the third gave Colorado a chance to tie it up on the power play... and they did.

Colorado had another p play but couldn't get the winner, but you knew momentum was on their side.


The Flames had a chance to win it on the power play... a watered down pp version with no control and only one shot. Where was the killer instinct?

Last Play

It started in Colorado's end. Sam Bennett through a hit and then went for a skate that took him out of the play. Meanwhile, the Avs skate the length of the ice. James Neal who has been a bust, made little effort to get in the way of Mikko Rantanen who one-times it for the win.

Just like that, the Flames trail 3 games to 1.

Mike Smith

For all of you who feel it's the goaltender's fault; you are wrong. Again, Mike Smith was the best Flames player on the ice. He deserves a better date.

Missed Penalties

Flames drew two in the third. In the dying seconds of the game, rookie defenceman Valimaki had his head raked over by an Av stick; right in front of the official. You cannot tell me that he didn't see it. Call it both ways.

Down 3 to 1

Colorado had momentum.

The young Flames have a tough obstacle to overcome.

It's not over.

But I can hear Willie Nelson singing.

Turn out the lights. The party's over.

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